Acasă/Muzică & Filme/Cărți și reviste/"Sharp Ends" de Joe Abercrombie
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"Sharp Ends" de Joe Abercrombie

Vand cartea "Sharp Ends" de Joe Abercrombie din seria "First law/Prima Lege", volum de sine stătător. Cartea este in stare foarte bună. Livrarea se face prin curier iar transportul e gratuit cu optiunea verificare colet inclusă. Romane de sine statatoare din universul "Prima Lege": 4. Best Served Cold 5. The Heroes 6. Red Country 7. Sharp Ends DESCRIERE The Union army may be full of bastards, but there's only one who thinks he can save the day single-handed when the Gurkish come calling: the incomparable Colonel Sand dan Glokta. Curnden Craw and his dozen are out to recover a mysterious item from beyond the Crinna. Only one small problem: no one seems to know what the item is. And after years of bloodshed, the idealistic chieftain Bethod is desperate to bring peace to the North. There's only one obstacle left - his own lunatic champion, the most feared man in the North: the Bloody-Nine . . .
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